Loughinisland GAC | online

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Welcome to Loughinisland GAC, official club Website. The purpose of this site is to provide information relating to the activities of the club.

To keep up to date with the latest news for Loughinisland G.A.C we can send you text's (send us your mobile no.), or visit our Facebook or Twitter Sites:

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 Main Sponsor Lotto
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mourne fire places
28th Nov(�5900)
Numbers: 16, 19, 22, 24. Jackpot: - Not Won!
3 Numbers
3 Numbers: Gerard Martin, Eamonn O�Toole
Pay Quarterly
Fill in this form and return it to Benny Corrigan or any other Committee member.
November Club '150'
Winners were: Eamonn Shields, Desmond McGrath, Gavin Morgan, Lisa Toman, Declan Valentine - �100 each.
Up Coming Events
  • AGM - 5th Dec 2013.
  • The Annual Juvenile Presentations - 8th Dec at 3:30pm
  • The Annual Bazaar & Santa Visit - Sunday 15th December @2pm
  • �Dont Tell the Wife� The Club would like to congratulate and thank Director Siobhan McCoy and the cast of �Dont Tell the Wife� for the two unbelievable performances last Friday and Saturday Night. The Full House on both nights were left in raptures and a standing ovation greeted the cast at the end of each show. Well done to all who took part and or helped in any way. The amont of time, effort and commitment to put on such as show will never be full appreciated. Thanks Guys.
    The Annual Bazaar will be Sunday 15th December @2pm. Come visit Santa at the club and enjoy some mulled wine and get in the mood for Christmas.
    Loughinisland GAC Honour Lifetime Of Service On Saturday, 16th November, Loughinisland GAC marked the occasion of the retirement from committee of Paddy Murray by hosting a function in their clubrooms...more

    Nov 2013 - Loughinisland GAC committee members who attended the function in honour of Paddy Murray. Paddy served on the club committee for over 50 years. From back left, Brian Kennedy, Sean McCashin current chairman of East Down GAA Board, Jim Magennis, Martin Fitzsimons. The Murray family who attended the function in honour of Paddy Murray who has given a lifetime of service to the Loughinisland Club and to Down GAA oint presentation to Paddy Murray (centre) by Seamus Walsh, Chairman of Down County Board (left) and Gerry Toman, Chairman of Loughinisland GAC (right) in acknowledgement of a lifetime of service to the GAA

    The Club AGM is being held on Thursday 5 December. A New committee Nomination form and Motion/Recommendation form can be found here.
    Scor: The Quiz team were competing on Sunday in Bright in the county final. Ballad group competed in St Patricks Grammar (The Red High) @ 4.00. Congratulations to all who took part and done the club proud.
    The Annual Bazaar will be Sunday 15th December @2pm. The club would ask that anyone who wishes to donate to the bazaar would leave their donation into the Stick Restaurant at Brennans.
    The Annual Juvenile Presentations will take place on Sunday December 8th at 3:30. Awards will be given to players from boys and girls Under 16s, 14s, 12s, Year 8, Year 6 and Year 4. A light buffet will be serverd on the day, and there will be music in the lounge after the awards ceremony.
    Production of "Dont Tell the Wife" will be performed in the Club on the 29th & 30th November. All the actors are local talent and promises to be a great nights Craic. Tickets are �7 and available from Decky Valentine, The Stick @ Brennans, O�Tooles and any Committee Member.
    Club History: Starting to think about your Christmas Shopping? Don�t forget the Club History �Our Story� is for Sale at the great price of �35. Get in early as stock is limited.
    Lotto: Sign Up and Save - You can now set up your lotto by direct debit. If you sign up for 4 weeks you'll get an extra line free. For a DD form click here or email [email protected]
    Keep up to date! For regular updates on whats going on in the club check out the clubs facebook page. Also, get match updates on twitter @LislandGAC. To register for Loughinisland G.A.C texts about events, news and information, send your name and mobile number to [email protected]

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    Loughinisland GAC, Macartan Park, 7 Teconnaught Road, Loughinisland | t: 028 44 830962